Membership of the Steering Group will consist of nominated representatives of the Royal Colleges and other professional bodies. The Steering Group will always include the Medical Director, National Co-ordinator for Transfusion Transmitted Infections, the Operations Manager, and a representative from each of the following: Public Health England, a Consultant specialist in Transfusion Microbiology, BCSH Transfusion Task Force, the CMO’s National Blood Transfusion Committee (NBTC), and the UK Blood Transfusion Forum.
The Steering Group is accountable to the UK Forum through the Medical Director for the use of resources and management of the budget.
The SG will be responsible for:
- Formulating the recommendations based on SHOT findings and ensuring that these are endorsed and disseminated via professional bodies
- Promoting and supporting SHOT recommendations and activities through their professional networks
- Ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the data
- Monitoring and encouraging participation in UK haemovigilance