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SHOT Silver Jubilee – recommendations and resources

SHOT Recommendations

The wordcloud below shows the themes of SHOT recommendations for safer practice over the last 25 years:


More information relating to SHOT recommendations for safer practice over the past 25 years can be seen in the individual reports and a cumulative record covering the years 2002 to 2019.

Since 2014 SHOT has been requesting feedback on organisations compliance with implementing key recommendations for the reports – you can look at the survey response here.

SHOT Resources

SHOT is committed to providing educational resources that are up to date, freely available and in a variety of formats – you can access all of these on our website resources page.

Please use our educational resources in your organisation to improve transfusion safety:

If you have any ideas or suggestions for further topics, resource formats or any other educational material please do contact us at, we are always looking to improve our resources.