SHOT, MHRA and UK Transfusion Laboratory Collaborative are undertaking a project to measure and understand the safety culture in laboratories in hospitals and Blood Services in the UK. An information sheet which provides more detailed information about the survey is available. The survey report with conclusions and an action will be cascaded widely. The survey will be used to identify areas for improvement as well as areas where things are going well.
You can help by completing a short survey (15 – 20 minutes) asking about your perceptions and experiences at work, such as teamwork, communication and reporting of safety incidents. While this is mainly aimed at laboratory staff, all staff are welcome to participate – both clinical and non-clinical staff. This is an opportunity to have your say and influence actions to enhance transfusion safety in the UK.
The survey has been sent via email to all SHOT reporters and various transfusion organisations for distribution. It is voluntary, confidential and responses will not be used to identify you.
If you have not received a copy of this survey by 15th November and wish to participate please email [email protected] to request a copy.
The survey is open until 22nd November 2023.
Thank you for your participation in this important initiative. We would like to get input from as many transfusion laboratory staff as possible to get an accurate picture of safety culture.